Drive your Life
Here I share you with you the tstimonials my clients give about the experience of Coaching. In that way you'll know by their words.

"The Coaching ministered by Rafael Lozano helped me to see how bad I was spending my time!
When I learned to set my priorities, I realized that I was spending too much time on what was not important to me, and in the beginig of the process I established my goal: have more time for my family.
Today I can take my son to Judo, study English, walking over with my family and spend less time in the office but being more productive."
- Henrique Amorim Garcia
“Yours placements are punctual and right, you understand the human part and the process interface, just assume that you know the tools and be free to use them when you feel the need.
Moreover, you show competence, organization and punctuality from start to finish. You were a pleasant surprise, a friend who came from where I did not expected.”
- Beta Evora